Thursday, December 31, 2009

"funemployment" series: Nicole Anderson

We who work in the “Biz” sometimes have maddeningly long forced vacations on “funemployment.” As I get to know my coworkers better I find we all have some intense creative projects to fill our time. My friend Nicole found herself googling flower jellies in her down time and was overtaken by inspiration to fulfill her desire to make violet jelly.

I first met Nicole three years ago on second unit of "Underdog." She was carrying around a platter of a billion exquisite cheeses and crackers decorated with grapes and strawberries. The platter was such a beautiful sight I never forgot her OR her brilliance in introducing me to my now favorite cheese Dill Havarti. Nicole "Crafty", (Local 481 craft service) and I have worked together on a few shows since, last being "Edge of Darkness” on which we bonded over some conversations about our tastes in Men and of course our tastes in food.

On her social networking site this past spring she posted photos of this violet jelly she made and I thought it a great story to get out there on the good ole blogtastic. This particular blog entry has been only brewing in the thoughts of Jessica Therrien since spring, but flower jelly has been 2o years in the thoughts belonging to Nicole Anderson. She divulged "I have a friend from Iran who made rose petal jelly. It was such a beautiful light rose flavor, with a pretty pink color that it never left my mind. I always thought about making a flower jelly since I make a lot of "pick your own" berry jellies, and I grew up IN a flower shop and there is that deep connection to flowers. I had time since I wasn't working and undertook the making of it"

Violets grow in the wild yards of New England in the spring, so she put out an ad on “craigslist” for people's violet harvestings. A New England independent film producer who also collects “face up” pennies as a Set PA, offered to gather the plethora of violets growing in her pristine backyard for Nicole. Claire’s yard does not get touched with pesticides, Miracle Grow or any of those other crazy “supplements” our over fluffed suburban yards do. Nicole now had her all natural violet supplier.

As a side note, it’s peculiar to me that these two would take part in this granola project, but on the same token I can’t imagine these goofnuts not teaming up. The yield (or “shit ton” according to Claire) of white and purple violets would arrive under night’s veil. The Supplier would deliver the goods at the predetermined drop off point (under “crafty’s” porch, in the “cooler”) at random intervals throughout the harvest season. Nicole was very amused by these drop-offs from “someone who doesn’t even live CLOSE to where I live. At all, she lives about an hour away. One time it was her whole family piling out of the car to make the delivery” Now that’s a film “community” stretching over the miles for ya!
It ended up being 5 batches of violets that yielded 60 small jars of jelly. Nicole removed the flowers from the stems and used the flowers fresh and made violet tea from the petals. Adding lemon juice is necessry for ph balance and makes the color bright pink. She then adds pectin, brings it to a boil, then adds cane sugar, and boils for a minute more... and voila violet jelly. (note: photos by Nicole)

Nicole says “flower jelly is more about the novelty of using a flower, than the flavor. The Jelly only has a slight hint of violet flavor.” She is a seasoned do-it-yourself berry jelly maker. She likes to use “the pick your own” variety of wild berries for the experience of getting in there and picking from the yields of the earth, and also to support the local growers efforts. She completes the whole food full circle aspect by sometimes mindfully using organic sugar and, feels better when she can give away her finished foodstuffs in full confidence that she oversaw the whole process, giving the people a great all natural product. She notes "it is very rare for people to make their own pectin. There are purists who do this, extracting it from citrus peels themselves." Nicole uses store bought pectin.

Organic heads would agree with her methods. I myself like this thinking of building from scratch as best as you can the “old fashioned”, but now very much back in fashion way. While we are talking she feeds her cat organic catnip and comments on the wildcat padding around her kitchen during our phone call. I will also note for fun that our interview was scheduled to pleasantly pass time while she waited for the Oil Man to arrive.

Her Jelly is a delicacy definitely to be sold on the Etsy that I am sure would be fruitful. I personally put in an order for clover flower jelly this spring.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blogs to come

Hello Monster of Some followers. I am gathering information on my next series of blogs which are going to be about film industry people and their passions off set. This business is one where it does us good to have time consuming hobbies. Otherwise, and I am speaking for myself here, we would go insane during the unwanted months of time off collecting funemployment.

I started this blog when I was recovering from what shouldn't have been, but turned into a life threatening case of gallbladder stones and attacks. Having the wrong health insurance in Massachusetts will get you killed. F the state health insurance, get yourself Blue Cross Blue Shield or they'll let you die. I am serious. I almost died. I would miss you, so switch your insurance TODAY. I could have blogged about that, but instead it was more fun while recovering to talk about what I was up to and my new found passion for all natural and organic foods. So my time-off hobbies include lots of connection with nature, because the Earth is my passion, this is why I live somewhere that there is the Atlantic ocean on one side and the sprawling Walden woods on the other. I'm so happy to be here.

So it's only NATURAL haha, that I would after almost losing it, reclaim my life and try to be true to sustainable practices in my own life, but celebrate others who do so also. I'm happy that all the opportunities that came my way this year were (are) positive, and those that were not so pleasant or easy to understand ended up being the fertilizer and sunshine to help me grow.

I have also become quite the survey taker in my time off, and deal finder. I soon will be heading to a rock gym to climb rocks, which I have ALWAYS wanted to do! I am making plans to visit Acadia Park this coming year and and stowing away money for both my Scenic Artist exam, so I can have my scenic card and for my life long dream of going on a South American rain forest tour with either the Sierra Club, World Wildlife Federation, or some other (portions of my cash go to conservation) club. I also would like to get more involved with the New England Aquarium again (I worked there for 2 years, it was the best time of my life, besides... you know... working in film alongside Hoyt Yeatman and David Goldberg in VFX...) My plan is to have the survey taking pay for at least the airfare or cruise fare... and scenic painting to complete my soul by making art, and the organic eating and research to feel better about reducing the toxins in my body, and of COURSE blogging so I can feel more connected to my friends, family and blog followers. I want to hear your feedback and I want to read your blogs and thoughts so don't forget to tell me about your stuff! And your life! Share!

Without further adieu ~ The first blog in this series is going to be about the passion of a dear friend of mine in the biz, Nicole Anderson (Local 481 Craft Service). I will be interviewing her soon about her unique violet jelly she makes by plucking violets from Claire Severence's (Producer/Set PA for the exposure) all natural backyard. It's going to be great so please check back... I am going to try to get it up this Thursday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Part 3: 3 wines (600 or so) hours later...

I must admit, I have been working on a project that has taken me away from this particular posting for the third wine I randomly bought and tried. However, recent news on the H1N1 vaccine have sparked some thoughts.

The vaccine will be going to the big house first priority. Which makes sense. A thought wave went through my head in passing... H1N1 kills everyone else in the world in a mass epidemic... and the prisoners will rule the world! The ones who WOULD know how to survive harsh situations the best right? Which works out well for
who is right next to the clink as we all rush to become criminals to get our share of the life saving.

First, you must sprint to the liquor store for this end of the world vaccine. Just incase your new plan to get in the big house takes a while. Alcohol kills viruses right? Make sure you pick up a bottle of every kind too, as each has it's unique flavor. Think of all the flavors medicine comes in... and you'll see where I'm going. It might be a while before you get your "normal person" chance in line.

I opened this bottle. no need for a wine opener... this one spins off for easy downing, just like flavored medicines. Halleluja. You get your moment to be Will Smith in "Hitch" as he downs Benadryl in the aisle... "C'MON!!" as you down it for the cure.
OK. Though slow down... this wine is something of a shock. It is as off colored in flavor as the folks you'd meet in the Clink. I literally said "Woah" out loud after the first sip. It needs a minute to hold you up, and steal your pearly tastebuds. It's scary, but you live through it, and you have this sense of, "if I could do that again knowing I'd be ok after, I'd do it in a heartbeat" Well. Wait that beat and make the hit again... 'cause the thrill gets better.
I had to go to the website... here it is again. I spent no less than an hour on there. It's most inspired. So land yourself in the slammer, or start slammin' down this wine tonight.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Three Wines, Six Hours Later. Part 2.

The tell-tale sign that this was an excellent wine was I drank the whole bottle in one night, it went down really smooth and the best part, wait for it... no hangover. Not even a little... I even had coffee and a muffin for breakfast with no problem. It was probably the best bottle of wine I have had to date. I am still in shock about how terrific it was so please check out thier webite for more info. I indeed will have it again, and probably get other kinds. Thier website is pretty straightforward... the company is successful... blagh blagh, the bio on the owner goes on about how he's a great businessman, dipping his fingers in everything... I care more about a company that is more about inspiration... but I cannot deny... the wine is one of the best I've had so far.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Three Wines, Six Hours Later. Part 1.

Forage into Organic Wine
Ever had a Cliff Bar? Ever taste its grain goodness? Oatmeal, soy, the general organic mish mesh of brownies or peanut butter, and nuts of all kinds? Ever have a Luna Bar? I live off those things. Candy bars with vitamins right? Well those Cliff Climber Lunatic Nuts also have a wine. (I know! I just found out too!)
I love white wine, so nach I chose
The Climber vin 2007. Now I like my wine, but I’m not a fancy Sommelier, and don’t know the protocol or the verbage the wine tasters of the word use to talk about wine. The best I do is write it all down in a book I keep close by on wine tasting nights. Bear with me. If you would like to hear what Cliff says about it, click the above link before you are horrified by my description.
Non-snobs who are still reading… this is definitely for you. There is nothing snobby about this wine. It’s exactly the same flavorful experience you get with the bars. It more like Raisins meet Grape peels. Definitely on first sniff and sip you are tasting clean air, fresh oatmeal cooked slow, and next time I go climb say Mount Tom in Western Mass, or Mt Washington… I’m sneaking this up the mountain. Prolly go for the red wine for mountain top. Food takes you places. Why shouldn’t I return the favor. I feel like this wine should be experienced under the stars. It’s definitely crisp like a New England Fall night, clear, full of crickets and wind blowing through trees with a fire and a few of your best outdoorsy, don’t care if you washed your hair today friends. And it’s blended from four different varietals, so it’s already used to good company, and I bet it would love your company. Highly recommend.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just to stay in the habit of posting

Two photos I took recently with my LG Mint Chocolate phone. Life's Good.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Eggland's Best... not your best.

EB. Love the little red stamp of who you are on the pre-hardboiled eggs. Tonight I made a salad, bolied the eggs to put one on top, and one for the morning. So, two of the best boiling away. Then suddenly! Boil over! blob, blob, blob, the eggs were shimmying around in there, going everywhere, spinning in thier spots... woah!

Turn down the heat... still at a comfortable jacuzzi boil for about ten minutes. Then, when the minutes were up, and the heat turned off the eggs seemed strange. Deformed, and crazy they looped around the pan as I added cold water to cool those hotties off. All water out, and minutes more later, I find not a perfect eggshape, but this creature hatching from the egg! AHHH!!

What did I do next?!?! I looked for coupons!

Monday, June 8, 2009

World Oceans Day (celebrated on Saturday)

This is Division a Humpback Whale. He's stopping for a few months to feed off the little buggers at Stellwagon Bank. This was my first time ever on a Whale Watch. Chartered by the New England Aquarium and staffed by Boston's Best Cruises. This trip was very populated and I wasn't able to get a lot of pictures, but a mother and calf Humpback came right to the boat... right next to it, and the calf was half the length of the boat. The mother was making little splashes with her mouth next to him like "look at my kid, he's getting so big!" all smiles. They are SO FRIENDLY!! There were some Fin whales out there as well on this trip that were doing spins in the water showing us thier flippers, which I am sure they were showing us thier well practiced water ballet.As luck would have it, I was able to go out twice in one day, which is when I was able to snap all the pictures I'm posting. Jodie and John were able to go on the sunset cruise. They missed the 2pm by five minutes which made it possible for me to take the sunset cruise, as they bought me a ticket, a sweatshirt (my first BOSTON sweatshirt! I'll wear it until it's holey), and some luck! On that second time out, the whales (Mom, Dad, and Calf) were much more playful. 2 full breaches, waving at the boat, and a some fluke action. I'll be getting a CD of John and Jodie's photos, where I can show you the fluke of Division. Our trip will be on the NEAQ's website here in few days. I'll let you know when it's up! Happy world oceans day!!
Next Time I'll be doing this.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

See a hole, Fill a hole.

In THE SECRET there is a powerful section on losing weight. It says to put up pictures around the house of you when you were at your perfect weight, or compose some.

I have very few pics of when I was my ideal weight because I was literally a butterfly with so much energy you couldn't keep me still for 5 seconds, but no matter! I was lurking around facebook photos and found that a friend of mine and her sister put up an ADORABLE photo of them as little girls using the website

So promptly I went to work. I found a photo of Marilyn Monroe, Charlize Theron, and Britney Spears. Marilyn I am very fond of, Charlize is someone I have been compared to in the past (face wise) and Britney, my best cousin Jacki looked like when she was in High School. People would ask for her Autograph all the time, and of course she would sign Jacki, because F that Britney for stealing HER look. I chose this picture because if and when I get married I'm going to be wearing a silver dress. AND THIS one has beautiful stars on it, and now I want it... so I had to try it on.

I am very tasteful and will be wearing a longer gown with less TMD&FM shoes. But I could def shorten it after and, well.
I had wanted to be a Broadway star back in the day and I imagine if I stuck with it, this would be me:
So there you have it! awesome right? But on a more attainable note, I decided in my perfect world, when I meet my perfect Man in time for Christmas this year... This is what I will look like at my goal weight and hair length and everything will be secretly perfect. Ah. :) Now to put these photos up around my apartment.

Monday, May 18, 2009

NOO news is good news! (follow-up on NEWMAN'S OWN)

Immediately following my Friday post I was contacted by Newman's Own Organics' PR Rep Sally Shepard to help me clear up my confusion on the difference between All Natural and Organic. I am posting part of the response from her which I greatly appreciate after my little breakdown. All is right in my food shopping world again, and I will continue to support Newman's Own and now Newman's Own Organics with complete love and trust.

[From NOO's PR REP:]

Read with interest your posting that mentions Newman's Own Organics Coffee and Newman's Own Organic Lemonade. The two are separate companies which is really getting confusing as NOO started as a division of Newman's Own in 1993 by Nell Newman and her business partner Peter Meehan. They became a separate company in 2000. Newman's Own has two organic products, the rest are natural, but it is causing even more consumer confusion.

The one thing I don't want you to be confused about is that there isn't a new ownership at Newman's Own. Mr. Newman set it up since he owned it privately that all his profits from the company and royalties from Newman's Own Organics and Newman's Own would go to the Newman's Own Foundation which will continue his work through a grant system. No one is going to have the chance to buy it. The same people will continue in place in the company who had worked with Mr. N. for many years.


I'd be delighted if you shared the difference between the two companies. Help us in the id situation. As you can see NOO is proud to have startedwith Newman's Own and now able to be a separate company.
You'd be amazed at the number of people reading the blogs. That's why I've wanted to reach out to the food blogging community. Have found bloggers are honest and if they aren't as apt to like a certain kind of product will get other friends or family to participate in the tasting.

She also sent two articles on the subject which you can read up on here:

And read more about Newman's Own at:
And in conclusion I have realized that it has been a LONG TIME since I have read up on Newman's Own not having learned about NOO earlier. To this effect I deeply apologize for my haste in assuming Paul Newman, one of my heros, had done me wrong. RIP cool hand. May your company and Nell's company never go away, and hopefully this post will help enlighten and educate and promote discussions as it did for me with all my friends and relatives this past weekend. I raise my glass of Newman's Own Organic Lemonade and toast to all involved "To Newman's Own and Newman's Own Organics! May they never go hungry."

Friday, May 15, 2009

Organic Products. You’d think. I try my hardest to buy products that are non toxic, that are made from real ingredients by farmers and companies that respect the earth and treat their animals well.
I had a little breakdown at the grocers today. I was shopping for my typical organics, and came upon I understood to already use organic ingredients. After I helped a woman shorter than me reach some cream (not this brand pictured) I grabbed my Organic Cow (pictured!). I am lactose intolerant after taking certain antibiotics when my body defeated Lyme Disease a few years ago. Small price to pay I think to kick a disease. Though I REALLY MISS this milk brand. So I went crazy and picked it up. Especially since I knew I was going to be purchasing some quality coffee products a few aisles later. I am a coffee person. I almost NEED a good cup of coffee to read anything. (I had to go two months without it and it was as if I was coming down from heroine… who was I without my COFFEE?! Moving on.)
There are brands for years I know from researching are a sensible choice. Newman’s Own was one of them. Paul Newman started a company a long time ago that gave me hope that what I was buying was all natural and healthy for me. (much like Ben and Jerry’s). I was browsing PN selection of juices and went to grab the lemonade, when to my surprise, there was an ORGANIC PN choice among what I thought was ALREADY ALL NATURAL AND ORGANIC.
My mind was a little blown, but I let it go kind of, picking up the “organic” PN lemonade and moving on. My mind got the best of me. Did they not put organic lemons in their other lemonade? Did they not use spring water? What made the ORGANIC Lemonade MORE organic than the other one?? Why would PN LIE to me! Paul! WTF? But then again… do I TRUST that the new owners of PN are not lying to me?? Or is it just fake packaging with the buzz word “organic” so I will pay $4 for 3 oz less lemonade?
So there is the lead in. Three aisles later after freaking out in my mind about everything organic that I thought was, now I’m checking more things I normally buy thinking they are organic and now there is an organic OPTION of the product… I felt lost in the wilderness like “into the wild” like when he figures out what he ate is GOING TO KILL HIM.
With everything else going on in my life, how MUCH is flying past me that I’m not noticing. Can’t trust the research I do, because the articles are lying, can’t trust anything! Can’t trust my booking agent telling me there’s no work when everyone I know is working, can’t trust my best friends who say everything is going to be ok, thinking everyone has lied to me and I’m just really noticing it….spiral, spiral… see where I’m going with this?
There I am. In the cereal aisle. First thing I see is Paul Newman.. shelves of it… thinking maybe I was at least finally still safe with the CEREAL. Alas! ORGANIC OPTIONS for PN cereal! I lost it. Broke down, heaving, crying, over cereal. Employees brought me tissues… I felt worse that I was crying over cereal and not wanting to explain the whole deal… I just said thanks.
What a day. Glad to have finally let it out… with half a chocolate bakery cake and scoops of ice cream later at home. All while drinking my organic rainforest nut coffee and all natural (I hope) cream. I’m going to get back to reading my fantasy novel now. At least I KNOW that’s not real, and the author intends it not to be, which offers an escape.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

monster of some

There comes a time where I have to explain my tag "Jess of all trades, Monster of some." I like to create little monsters. Draw, paint, marker, clay, play dough... tin foil, whatever. My ultimate goal was to become one of those AMAZING people who get the title "Creature Creator" or "Creature Effects" on the end credits. I wanted to be the head dog when it came to making the three headed ones.

Uh, that dream was put on hold/abandoned. I still want it very much, as my ideal job would be to sit at a desk and design creatures all day long with pen and ink... though I chalk it up to a pipe dream since my drawings are, well... above. Not very polished. So he's not a MONSTER, but I like to think I draw little monsters. This one, like so many, came from my head when I couldn't think of anything else to write in my journal... I start drawing in it. Everytime it's time to buy a new journal it's always a toss up to get lined or unlined (ruled or unruled). I like to get lines, and to tell you the truth my BEST drawings are those that are on lined paper... but then I think of a comment someone gave me in College that I should "get a real sketchbook! You don't want your masterpieces on LINED paper!" Thank you Jay LeClair for haunting my annual Barnes and Noble trip to buy a journal or or a sketchbook, jounal? sketchbook? Ruled, Unruled? Do I feel like I'll be drawing more this year? Do I feel like I'll be sketching more this year? Is there a book with only some lined pages? This past year I ended up getting the unruled journal with a nice bit of metal adornment on the leather cover thinking I would draw more, and alas... wrote more. So now I have this nice leather bound beautiful sketchbook... that I worried in all year without drawing much... having created a lined piece of paper to go behind the pages with "faux" lining so if I felt the need to draw, my masterpiece wouldn't have lines going through, but would ghostily be there as I drew.

And you know what I do with the journals? So sad for this one, but I cut out all the drawings and then burn the book. *SIGH*

Oh, and now I want to be in the Beginning credits, as VFX Supervisor, or at least Production Designer... way to abandon a big dream for an even bigger one. I should just stick with the hobby of drawing, and leave the dreams for sleep, and worry in my ruled journals about getting any job.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Whole Foods... who knew it was a social meccha!

Look at this dainty little pastry. It is a beautiful little work of Art and kudos to the Framingham Whole Foods bakery! Also thank you bakery manager for chatting with me today, as well as dear Jodie releasing this one from the case for me. It was completely heaven on the buds. Looking at all the pastries in the case was an art exhibit in it's own right. Almost too perfect to take one home, and then once you choose one, it opens the door to want to pick just a few more to bring home. Food 99% presentation. You bet your sweet bippy. I went home with this little sucker.
The other sweet surprise at our Whole Foods playground was that upon entering the store I ran into a co-worker from the past. The Store Manager from my years at the New England Aquarium gift shop. I would admire her when she would wear her giraffe print dress and brown almost Prada shoes during the time the NYANJA exhibit was up. An exhibit that I to this day have my Kenyan Drum, Thumb Piano, and wall banner on display. The funny thing is, I was just thinking about Marjorie YESTERDAY and reflecting on great times and wishing I would run into her again. She after all took me out to celebrate my going away, since she couldn't make the "Store's" going away party that afternoon at Legal's. Besides, Burkowski's was fun to close out my Boston inhabitance all together as I moved the very next day.
The Secret really does work people.

Can you see what I see?

I have been in a rut friends... but it's getting better. I jumped on my bike last Thursday and raced to the island 'till my dancer gams shrieked. Head down and unsociable I cycled past familiar beach exercizers. Incredible guilt followed as I didn't say hello to back to the passers, though I figured they'd get it since earbuds were obviously stuffed in to drown out thoughts. Trekked up one more slight hill on the trailscape and leaped off the bike. Wobbly I leaned on the guardrail. Hanging my head over, I pleaded to the water below to give me a sign that everything was going to be ok and I wouldn't lose my apartment here.

I looked up, and directly in front of me, was this. I used my LG Mint Chocolate to grab it. I'm still trying to believe and have faith in this "sign" a week later.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I spent some time at relatives these past weeks. Jasmine came to. Jasmine does this with her paws when you tell her she is "so cute". She puts her paws up to her face if she is laying down, and if she lays on her back she puts her paws up and kneads the air. Security.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Matt McConaughey - J.K.Livin

One my favorite people I met last year is Matt McConaughey. He's one of the stars in the upcoming "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past." So PLEASE visit his website above to learn about J.K. Livin. I'll wait. OK, so you see I am wearing this hat in the proper way for a sporty person to wear it. High pony on the top of your head. Also I think you should see "Surfer, Dude."

Back to Matt, one of the coolest Men. He's very down to Earth, approachable, easy to talk to. So are his people. You'd call them his Entourage. After the actors show up for their first days, sometimes there is a kick-off party. I walk into a nightclub in Boston called FELT where everything is purple, including my best purple sweater. Matt's cool so he's sitting at the bar with Camilla who is drinking mineral water. (I have her microwave now, and also when Conner Meade looks through the curtains to see the most beautiful model ever, those curtains are now in my living room.)

So I join my people from accounting that are near the bar but not AT the bar you know... gotta give the actors space, although you have to GO TO the bar to get your drink, so I DO IT. I go and get my first Martini, looking smashing, smile and give a "hey" to Matt. Yes. I said "hey."

So at one point later in the night after I've done my "work the party" thing, I end up back with the accounting department that hasn't moved an inch. "So hey guys, ah, so..." (I still don't know what to talk about with accountants, and I have been in the Department 2wice. Don't hate me guys) They order drinks, and then are like "hey if our drinks come while we're gone..." Yup.

So the drinks come and I'm hanging out alone watching Breckin Meyer be bored, and Lacey Chabert be absolutely adorable... and watching these two drinks and sipping my own. Matt and his posse are about to bounce. They are standing right next to me and Matt says something like
"What's a doll like you standing alone for?"
ME: "Babysitting drinks for my department, they went on a smoke break"
Matt: "Well, walk away."

So I did and met his people and him and then they left. Then Lacey Chabert is sitting alone and since we had been introduced earlier in the night she was like "sit next to me!!" She was waiting for her ride to go home. That's another story... so I'm sure you are dying to hear more about Matt.
He's great! During the screen tests I was passing out the Per Diem at the stage, and someone was like "Yay! Money Lady is here!" Perfect timing Matt walks behind me when I was getting signatures from crew, and says "It does make the Earth turn." He makes ours more interesting. I'm cool in the hat.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

C'mon baby finish what you started, it's incomplete!

A simple 4x4 in squares quilt I started in 1996. This picture reflects where I'm at with it in 2009. The squares are pieces of clothes that I wore out throughout important times of my life. Thus I call this piece the "Memory" quilt. I sew on a very vintage machine from the 40's that converts into a table. For years it was a TV stand in every apartment before this one, damn roomates.

Most of the plaid pieces are Flannel shirts I wore in High School. I wasn't a girl, I was a Seattle trend. "Grunge." It was the time when Pearl Jam, Nirvana, and Soundgarden were shaping our experiences. Or at least providing the background music. I never had really been into music until Pearl Jam came along. I was still really into colored jeans too. The clothes follow through to Sr year where in between there is a pair of jeans the Bartlett High School Impressions decorated in the Shepherd Hill Cafeteria during the "Joseph" year. I had everyone sign them. I tried really hard to bring everyone together, team spirit!

Panels of squares later it's college, still drawing on old jeans and a few flannels followed me there. Lot of my HS T-shirts burned out. A T-shirt that was Tye Dyed during Sr week from T.O.W.E.R. makes it's way in. A group called "Teens of Webster Encountering Reality" I was involved in. I designed the T-shirt on my parents computer in the old school PAINT program. There was a time I got involved in groups just to design the T-Shirt... and there are a lot of these making thier way into the quilt.

The quilt has been sewn up to few years ago at the RIIFF when I was really skinny, and had some favorite pieces I would wear during that time. It was a real nice time in my life to be free of the extra weight, and positively a rock star.

So my idea is not to make something that matches the colors of my bedroom, or to anything noble like recycling. It's purely selfish. When I'm lonely, I want to be able to litterally wrap myself in the comfort of memories.

Monday, April 6, 2009

the first is the best

My friends and family agree that I have a good life. I see it as mine everyday and I live it so I have a slightly different view. It's not that off from how they see it. It's just a little different. As most Massachusetts folk, I am unemployed now. I have been freelance for a while, and I hope something comes my way soon, and untill then, until the money comes back to be able to hang out with my still working friends, I figured I would start a blog as to not go completely crazy. Give myself a sense of purpose.

The photo above. I took it. I have a Cannon Power Shot A470 that I cashed in points on my Credit Card last year to get for free. I used a Cannon 5D everyday on the set of UNDERDOG and fell in love with it. This is not even CLOSE to a 5D, though 7.1 MP as a reward for racking up debt... not too shabby. I have no complaints about this camera. I quite love it, and it fits in my pocket so it is very stealth. Takes video too.

I video taped my brother singing Kareoke at a bar out here in Lynn a few months ago before I got very sick and this financial woe came about. Enough about that though. I video taped him singing two different songs. This past month I finally editied them together on my Pinnacle editing system which I run on My Toshiba Laptop. Put a few sweet transitions to it, slapped it on a DVD and sent it to him as a late birthday present. He texted me this:

"Thank You. I didn't realize I was so off key in places! I'll have to practice for next time. Your gift made me get all teary eyed!"

ah. I didn't think it was that big a deal! But it meant more than I could expect to him. So in closing, that's the deal! Positve feedback from just being me and doing what I do has been overwhelming for ME in these past few months. I'd like to share it to the void, to see if it touches others? Overall though, I think it will be fun just to document certain stories that others think are fun and I see as everyday. For instance... hanging out with Movie stars a few times a year. Don't get me wrong. I think it's fun for me, but I am shocked that other people think it's cool. :)

Till the next one.

Jess of all Trades, Monster of Some.