I have very few pics of when I was my ideal weight because I was literally a butterfly with so much energy you couldn't keep me still for 5 seconds, but no matter! I was lurking around facebook photos and found that a friend of mine and her sister put up an ADORABLE photo of them as little girls using the website http://www.faceinhole.com/
So promptly I went to work. I found a photo of Marilyn Monroe, Charlize Theron, and Britney Spears. Marilyn I am very fond of, Charlize is someone I have been compared to in the past (face wise) and Britney, my best cousin Jacki looked like when she was in High School. People would ask for her Autograph all the time, and of course she would sign Jacki, because F that Britney for stealing HER look. I chose this picture because if and when I get married I'm going to be wearing a silver dress. AND THIS one has beautiful stars on it, and now I want it... so I had to try it on.
I am very tasteful and will be wearing a longer gown with less TMD&FM shoes. But I could def shorten it after and, well.
I had wanted to be a Broadway star back in the day and I imagine if I stuck with it, this would be me:
So there you have it! awesome right? But on a more attainable note, I decided in my perfect world, when I meet my perfect Man in time for Christmas this year... This is what I will look like at my goal weight and hair length and everything will be secretly perfect. Ah. :) Now to put these photos up around my apartment.