Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What I do when I have a migraine since last night.

He's not THAT perfect.  Ok maybe he is... but like me he would laugh if he saw this. :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day #13-16...

Written Word




Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 11: Something Old

Something Old.  

 I have owned this since the fifth grade.  One of the better days of my life, winning a thing randomly when I needed it.  It came in a huge box of art supplies.  I used all the other ones, and this is what's left.  Best set of watercolors I have ever had.  They were something called "Lion."  I cannot find the brand anywhere now a days. 

 I encourage parents and teachers to give these art sets as prizes for being good, or for a great report card or whatever.  Even though they sell them at Christmas, they are good year round as presents. 

  I am 35 now, and it remains a very happy place for me to use these paints.   I have painted over a million things with them.  They never seem to "use up."  Divine intervention I believe.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 9 & 10

Day 9: Inspiring Person

This photo makes her look like a munchkin...lol. 
 But This girl inspires me everyday.  
And the socks are the best.  Look how great she is.  Just look.

Day #10: Nature

After the snowstorm. 
Took this picture in the car when I got it home from the parking garage today. 
That's why it has that sweet blue stripe at the top.   

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day #8: Favorite Color





CHROMAKEY GREEN is my favorite ever.  :)  VIVA LA VFX!!!!!

DAY #7: Something Funny

D'awwww.  I cheated.  I did not take this picture.  I do what I want.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day #6: "Books"

I have a few books, and they are... eh, OK, I guess.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 4 and 5

Gratitude Photo Challenge Day #4. LEAVES

These are knitted leaves on a pair of gauntlet gloves I made.


Gratitude Challenge Day #5. Morning Sky

So the excite that I realized it didn't have to be "sunrise" morning sky.  So I popped this on my way in to work.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

30 Day Gratitude Photo challenge.

Mariposa and I restarted the Gratitude Photography Challenge since we both missed a few days.  So, I am keeping my day 1 as the coffee.   

Day 1.  Favorite Food


Day 2 "SMILE"


TODAY is "Day 3. Happiness"

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

paintventure: Day 1_ Favorite Food {30 day Photo Challenge}

paintventure: Day 1_ Favorite Food {30 day Photo Challenge}:      I have not joined instagram (late anyways) but on Pinterest there are a lot of these "30 Day Photo Challenges" going around....